company profile

SAAD AL SAEED FOODS has been growing as a prominent importer of meat and frozen food stuffs in the UAE by serving the diverse needs of wide range of customers. Over the years, we have succeeded in creating a prestigious image and emerged as a preferred choice among the consumers, when it comes to the sourcing of superior quality meat products. we were the Best Importer (Meat) & Food stuff in UAE.

Our organization is reputed in offering frozen meat in different forms and packing. We mainly offer good quality fresh chilled meat of Indian origin. These are of superior quality items imported mainly from India. We are a large scale supplier of Beef and Veal items. We are engaged in the supply of wide range of meat products such as top side, silver side, thick flank, rump steak, tender loinn, strip loin, blade, brisket, cube roll, chuck, neck, chuck tender. These items are sourced from India as per our required specifications.Poultry items we offer include buffelo hear, liver, tougue.

our mission

Our mission is to provide an exceptional buffalo protein and other items of meat for worldwide consumption where we can transparently and successfully fulfill the requirements of our retailers and wholesalers with our capabilities and reasonable cost. Our vision is to provide the Freshness and High Quality meat product, focusing in the Logistics and all Export arrangements including production, packaging, certification, with the required paperwork of client including rules and regulation, transportation and shipping. We build wings to the dreams of business associates with our par-excellence services.

our values

Our values serve as the foundation of our company and define who we are and how we work. Principal among them are:

  • Serving Customers
  • Trust
  • Integrity
  • Teamwork